Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014

benefits of lemon with tea

benefits of lemon with tea Still difficult to lose weight to favorite pants no longer fit Do not worry, just try to lemon diet. Guaranteed, your body lean back. Celebrity Heidi Klum and Jennifer Aniston keep the body slim with diet lemon. Indeed, the lemon has the surprising effect of lemon for weight loss can be enjoyed in many ways one of which is a very fresh lemon tea.

To know more about this lemon diet following Q & A with Joy Bauer, nutritionist author of Joy's LIFE Diet lemon diet right.
The lemon diet what does it do?

This diet is actually a detox diet to cleanse the toxins in the body. Detox is sometimes incorrectly interpreted as a diet to burn fat in the body. When in fact that is cleansed of toxins toxins that otherwise would interfere with the body's metabolism. So the body organs such as the liver, stomach, kidney, and so on back clean and can run tugasanya well. So this is not a diet to cut weight.
Why lemon diet is so popular?

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